Business Q&A: TaylorBaby LLC, Castle Rock Danielle Stangler, CEO, and Julia Rossi, EVP, were interviewed by the Denver Post to discuss their unique business and NEW product. They discuss the start up process and what makes NeatCheeks different. Read the Full Story HERE
Professional makeup artist and stylist, Heather B was given some NeatCheeks to try. Her response was astounding! She posted a product review on her blog and website and recommends NeatCheeks to adults and her clients. She was impressed by the ingredients and the experience. If you thought that NeatCheeks was just for kids, Heather is… Read more »
CoastalKel is a rising mom blog featuring product reviews, parent insight and inspiring stories. She reviewed NeatCheeks and was an instant fan. Check out these adorable pictures and her terrific commentary on our product! Read the Review HERE
Finding kid friendly beauty products and accessories can be a challenge. Luckily, there are mom inventors in Colorado that have created options to meet the needs of their kids and have shared these products with the world. DayBreak on Channel 2 featured NeatCheeks as an exciting alternative to chemical-filled wipes. “Now this is a cool… Read more »